国际商务(双语) 智慧树答案2024版100分完整版


第一章 单元测试

1、 The shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy is referred to as( ).

B:international marketing
答案: Globalization

2、 In 2008 and 2009, the( )became the forum though which major nations attempted to launch a coordinated policy response to the global financial crisis, which started in America.

B:Group of Ten (G10)
C:Group of Twenty (G20)
D:World Trade Organization
答案: Group of Twenty (G20)

3、 Which of the following is a consequence of globalization? ( )

A:Decreasing interdependence between national economies
B:Increasing outsourcing of services
C:Differentiation of material culture
D:Increase in barriers to cross-border trade
答案: Increasing outsourcing of services

4、 Critics of globalization argue that if proponents of globalization were correct about the supposed benefits associated with free trade and investment, then which of the following would have happened? ( )

A:The average GNI per person between the richest and poorest nations would have shrunk
B:The debt burdens of the poorest nations would have increased
C:Tougher environmental and labor laws would have been implemented in less-developed countries
D:Factories based in Mexico would not be cleaner
答案: Factories based in Mexico would not be cleaner

5、 Which of the following is not a risk associated with globalization? ( )

A:Restrictions on competition
B:Global financial contagion
C:Excessive market regulation
D:Differentiation of markets
答案: Restrictions on competition
Excessive market regulation
Differentiation of markets

6、 Which of the following is FALSE of the IMF? ( )

A:It is often seen as the lender of first choice to nation-states whose economies are in turmoil.
B:Its loans come with no strings attached.
C:It is the less controversial of the two sister institutions, the IMF and the World Bank.
D:It has emerged as a significant player in the global economy.
答案: It is often seen as the lender of first choice to nation-states whose economies are in turmoil.
Its loans come with no strings attached.
It is the less controversial of the two sister institutions, the IMF and the World Bank.

7、 A company does not need a large size to facilitate, and benefit from, the globalization of markets. ( )

答案: 对

8、 Companies hope to lower their overall cost structure or improve the quality or functionality of their product offering through globalization of production. ( )

答案: 对

9、 The World Bank has focused on policing the world trading system and making sure nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties. ( )

答案: 错

10、 The lowering of barriers to international trade enables firms to view the world, rather than a single country, as their market. ( )

答案: 对

第二章 单元测试

1、 A political system that prioritizes the needs of the society over individual freedoms is called _____. ( )

答案: collectivism

2、 Which of the following statements about individualism is true? ( )

A:Individualism promotes state ownership of the basic means of production, distribution, and exchange.
B:Individualism promotes globalization.
C:Individualism creates an anti-business environment.
D:Individualism advocates for a democratic political system.
答案: Individualism advocates for a democratic political system.

3、 An economy in which the interaction of supply and demand determines the quantity in which goods and services are produced is called a _____. ( )

A:planned economy
B:command economy
C:closed economy
D:market economy
答案: market economy

4、 Which of the following statements about the legal systems of countries is true? ( )

A:They can affect the attractiveness of a country as an investment site or market.
B:They are not influenced by the prevailing political system of the country.
C:They are almost the same for all countries.
D:They are of little importance to international business.
答案: They can affect the attractiveness of a country as an investment site or market.

5、 Which of the following isn’t the reason why a common law system is different from a civil law system: ( )

A:a common law system is based on religious teachings, while a civil law system is based on cultural traditions.
B:a common law system is very rigid, while a civil law system tends to be more flexible.
C:in a common law system a judge relies on legal codes to make rulings, while in a civil law system a judge relies on his intuition and moral reasoning to make judgments.
D:in a common law system a judge has the power to interpret the law, while in a civil law system a judge has the power only to apply the law.
答案: a common law system is based on religious teachings, while a civil law system is based on cultural traditions.
a common law system is very rigid, while a civil law system tends to be more flexible.
in a common law system a judge relies on legal codes to make rulings, while in a civil law system a judge relies on his intuition and moral reasoning to make judgments.

6、 The social organization of Oriental society tends to emphasize on: ( )

A:a group orientation.
B:collectivist values.
C:individual achievement.
D:work groups.
答案: a group orientation.
collectivist values.
work groups.

7、 A theocratic law system is one in which the law is based on religious teachings.
( )

答案: 对

8、 The objective of the government in a command economy is to encourage free and fair competition between private producers.
(( )

答案: 错

9、 Norms are abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable.
(( )

答案: 错

10、 A caste system is a closed system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which the person is born.
( )

答案: 对

第三章 单元测试

1、 _____ supports the idea that countries should export more than what they import. ( )

A:Absolute advantage
C:The world market theory
D:New trade theory
答案: Mercantilism


